We’d love to hear from you! Because despite our rough looks we are a gentle member of the fire loving family that await you with open arms. So, let us know what burning ambition, request or idea you have, we await you.
When you have a comment, a story or recommendations, please let us know. We’d love to learn so we can create even more Smokey Goodness for you. You can send us an email via info@smokeygoodness.com, use the webform below, send an Whatsapp or shoot us an old fashioned letter. Thank you for your input and support!
So don't brag about how good you are, focus on how much better you want to become! Keep improving by listening, learning and trying. Better BBQ comes to you when you walked the mile, tried, tested and perfected your skills and techniques. Sharpened all your senses to see and smell the smoke, hear the sizzle and feel the heat. But before you begin lighting your fires, you better burn some books or blogs for a healthy dosis of BBQ fundamentals. So let's dig in, it is time to study the good stuff.