Just ask us
We dont bite…

We’d love to hear from you! Because despite our rough looks we are a gentle member of the fire loving family that await you with open arms. So, let us know what burning ambition, request or idea you have, we await you.

If you got a burning question, idea or suggestion, don’t let it go up in flames! Shout, we’ll listen.

When you have a comment, a story or recommendations, please let us know. We’d love to learn so we can create even more Smokey Goodness for you. You can send us an email via info@smokeygoodness.com, use the webform below, send an Whatsapp or shoot us an old fashioned letter. Thank you for your input and support!

Rotterdamseweg 374,
2629 HG, Delft
The Netherlands
KVK: 74418661
BTW NR: NL859889701B01
Rotterdamseweg 374,
2629 HG, Delft
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)15 – 203 03 03
Mobiel: +31 (0)6 28 62 79 56

    No shortcuts

    The new knives are in

    Bad cuts come from dull knifes. So make sure you are equipped with a bag full of rough looking but oh so so sharp knives. And let's not forget, you never have enough knives.

    Bite me

    The story of Jord

    Who the hell is this guy? Discover what the man behind the mission is about and how he made Smokey Goodness the fiery phenomenon it is today.

    It’s the skills
    that make
    your BBQ

    "A true BBQ master is an eternal Pit Bitch" - Jord Althuizen

    So don't brag about how good you are, focus on how much better you want to become! Keep improving by listening, learning and trying. Better BBQ comes to you when you walked the mile, tried, tested and perfected your skills and techniques. Sharpened all your senses to see and smell the smoke, hear the sizzle and feel the heat. But before you begin lighting your fires, you better burn some books or blogs for a healthy dosis of BBQ fundamentals. So let's dig in, it is time to study the good stuff.

    Watch other pro’s at work

    And enjoy the full culinairy thrills in one of our restaurants.
    For reservations go to
    blacksmoke.nl or Blacksmoke.be

    Become a real life BBQ king

    Get your master’s degree at Smokey Goodness’ Walhalla.
    All the details you can find @

    Never get fear of missing out

    Join the pure pyro club and get carefully selected and unique content deliverd to your digital doorstep.